Under each category there are further specifications and definitions of who qualifies and if you think you may have a claim, this is something we can provide advice on. Mackarness & Lunt can offer advice and assistance in respect of contentious probate matters from advice when drafting a Will to try and mitigate any future claims to making a claim against someone else’s estate. We can also provide advice on the prospects of success in bringing a claim against an estate or defending it if your inheritance would otherwise be affected.
For further advice or assistance please click the link below
If you need help or would like further information
please contact Samantha Small or Sian Meredith

Mackarness and Lunt provide bespoke legal advice to give you peace of mind. We have provided a wide range of legal services to individuals and businesses in Petersfield and further afield for over 100 years. During this time we have maintained our reputation as an approachable law firm with a solid base in the community. We continue to enhance our client experience as our absolute priority.